Operations Management & Operations Research Cluster (OMOR)
ESSEC Business School performs quality research in the area of operations management and operations research. The purpose of the cluster “Operations Management and Operations Research (OMOR)” is to augment the visibility of research activities in these areas within ESSEC and outside, in the scientific community as well as in the business community, and to promote joint research activities between cluster members and with outside researchers.
Operations management concerns the creation, production, and delivery of products and services. The concept comprises areas such as :
Supply chain management
Logistical management
Environmental sustainability in the supply chain
Environmental models and policies
Energy markets and operational management
Manufacturing and quality management
New product development and technology management
Project management
Purchasing and procurement management
Service system design
Operations research concerns the application of quantitative methods to solve operations problems. In particular, the cluster performs research on the development of new methods and the application of methods in the following areas (among others):
Combinatorial optimization
Discrete-event simulation
Optimal control theory
Dynamic programming, including Markov decision processes
Game theory and differential games
Optimization and linear programming
Stochastic modeling, e.g., stochastic processes and Markov chains
Risk analysis