Cluster Events



NEXT SEMINAR 2024/2025

In this section, you will find the information (Speaker/Guest, abstract, date & time slot , location, online registration link..)  about the upcoming seminar during the year. The seminar registrations will be on Eventbrite and everyone is welcome, from within ESSEC as well as from outside. 

Onur Ozturk  -  University of Ottawa

Tuesday, November 12th 2024 from 12pm to 1pm

Room : the room will be announced shortly

Zoom meeting :

Title : Exact and heuristic solution methods in the context of parallel batch scheduling

Abstract  : Parallel batching (p-batch) operations consist of processing multiple jobs at the same time using the same resource. p-batch can be encountered in diverse industries and contexts such as semi-conductor manufacturing, steel production, truck loading with heterogenous items, etc. Multiple objective functions can be considered such as the minimization of the total flow time to decrease work-in-progress levels, or weighted earliness/tardiness in accordance with a just-in-time production philosophy. It is possible to present p-batch problems as (mixed) integer linear programming models. Yet, the inefficiency of these models for large size instances requires other solution approaches such as column generation, branch and bound or heuristics. Thus, we will present how a time indexed set-partitioning formulation of the problem can be efficiently solved by column generation. Given the final solution is not always integer, we will also present how exact and heuristic solutions can be obtained through semi-binary branching in a tree search.


About the speaker

Onur Ozturk is an associate professor in the field of business analytics/operations management at the Telfer School of Management of the University of Ottawa. He has received his PhD from Grenoble Institute of Technology. Dr. Ozturk’s particular areas of research interest includes large scale optimization applied to production management, transportation and staff/patient scheduling in healthcare settings. He has published in international journals such as POM, EJOR, OMEGA, IJPR, ANOR, etc.

Here is the registration link .

For any information about OMOR events, please send an e-mail to  


Eduardo UCHOA -  Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brasil

Tuesday, November 19th 2024 from 12pm to 1pm

Room : the room will be announced shortly

Zoom meeting :

Title : Optimizing with Column Generation

Abstract : This talk provides an overview of the Column Generation (CG) technique, including its role in Integer Programming through Branch-and-Price and Branch-Cut-and-Price algorithms. The central question explored is: under what circumstances are CG-based algorithms likely to outperform other existing methods? The discussion draws on material from the recent book "Optimizing with Column Generation: advanced Branch-Cut-and-Price Algorithms (Part I)" available at

Here is the registration link .

For any information about OMOR events, please send an e-mail to