Cluster Events



NEXT SEMINAR 2023/2024

In this section, you will find the information (Speaker/Guest, abstract, date & time slot , location, online registration link..)  about the upcoming seminar during the year. The seminar registrations will be on Eventbrite and everyone is welcome, from within ESSEC as well as from outside. 

Manpreet S. HORA  -  College of Business at Georgia Tech  (cancelled)

Friday, July 12, 2024 from 12pm to 1pm

Room N517 (Nautile building)

Zoom meeting :

Title: Designing Reward Structure for Crowdfunding Campaigns

Abstract: Crowdfunding enables entrepreneurs to seek capital from the marketplace to obtain funding to further develop their products and commercialize their inventions. A creator makes decisions while designing a reward-based crowdfunding campaign on online platforms like This study investigates the effect of these structural decisions on the performance of a reward-based crowdfunding campaign. Using data from, we find that an association between reward tiers and the performance of a reward-based crowdfunding campaign. Further, studying the denominations of the reward tiers, we find that the performance is negatively impacted by a higher variation in the pledge amounts of the reward tiers. A creator with higher creating experience can achieve higher performance with a lesser number of reward tiers as compared to a creator with lower experience.

- General approach: Archival Data (more than 195,000 online campaigns; ~149,000 creators) and Econometric Analysis

Here is the registration link:

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